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DeepBookV3 Indexer


This documentation is for version 3 of DeepBook. For documentation on version 2 of DeepBook, see DeepBookV2 docs.

Get all pool information


Returns a list of all available pools, each containing detailed information about the base and quote assets, as well as pool parameters like minimum size, lot size, and tick size.


“pool_id”: “string”,
“pool_name”: “string”,
“base_asset_id”: “string”,
“base_asset_decimals”: integer,
“base_asset_symbol”: “string”,
“base_asset_name”: “string”,
“quote_asset_id”: “string”,
“quote_asset_decimals”: integer,
“quote_asset_symbol”: “string”,
“quote_asset_name”: “string”,
“min_size”: integer,
“lot_size”: integer,
“tick_size”: integer


Each pool object in the response includes the following fields:

  • pool_id: ID for the pool.
  • pool_name: Name of the pool.
  • base_asset_id: ID for the base asset.
  • base_asset_decimals: Number of decimals for the base asset.
  • base_asset_symbol: Symbol for the base asset.
  • base_asset_name: Name of the base asset.
  • quote_asset_id: ID for the quote asset.
  • quote_asset_decimals: Number of decimals for the quote asset.
  • quote_asset_symbol: Symbol for the quote asset.
  • quote_asset_name: Name of the quote asset.
  • min_size: Minimum trade size for the pool, in smallest units of the base asset.
  • lot_size: Minimum increment for trades in this pool, in smallest units of the base asset.
  • tick_size: Minimum price increment for trades in this pool.


A successful request to the following endpoint


produces a response similar to

"pool_id": "0xb663828d6217467c8a1838a03793da896cbe745b150ebd57d82f814ca579fc22",
"pool_name": "DEEP_SUI",
"base_asset_id": "0xdeeb7a4662eec9f2f3def03fb937a663dddaa2e215b8078a284d026b7946c270::deep::DEEP",
"base_asset_decimals": 6,
"base_asset_symbol": "DEEP",
"base_asset_name": "DeepBook Token",
"quote_asset_id": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002::sui::SUI",
"quote_asset_decimals": 9,
"quote_asset_symbol": "SUI",
"quote_asset_name": "Sui",
"min_size": 100000000,
"lot_size": 10000000,
"tick_size": 10000000
"pool_id": "0xf948981b806057580f91622417534f491da5f61aeaf33d0ed8e69fd5691c95ce",
"pool_name": "DEEP_USDC",
"base_asset_id": "0xdeeb7a4662eec9f2f3def03fb937a663dddaa2e215b8078a284d026b7946c270::deep::DEEP",
"base_asset_decimals": 6,
"base_asset_symbol": "DEEP",
"base_asset_name": "DeepBook Token",
"quote_asset_id": "0xdba34672e30cb065b1f93e3ab55318768fd6fef66c15942c9f7cb846e2f900e7::usdc::USDC",
"quote_asset_decimals": 6,
"quote_asset_symbol": "USDC",
"quote_asset_name": "USDC",
"min_size": 100000000,
"lot_size": 10000000,
"tick_size": 10000

Get historical volume for pool in a specific time range


Use this endpoint to get historical volume for pools for a specific time range. Delimit the pool_ids with commas, and use Unix timestamp seconds for start_time and end_time values.

By default, this endpoint retrieves the last 24-hour trading volume in the base asset for specified pools. If you want to query the quote asset instead, set volume_in_base to false.


Returns the historical volume for each specified pool within the given time range.

“pool_id_1”: total_pool1_volume,
“pool_id_2”: total_pool2_volume,


A successful request to the following endpoint


produces a response similar to

"0xf948981b806057580f91622417534f491da5f61aeaf33d0ed8e69fd5691c95ce": 130000590000000,
"0xb663828d6217467c8a1838a03793da896cbe745b150ebd57d82f814ca579fc22": 22557460000000

Get historical volume by balance manager within a specific time range


Get historical volume by balance manager for a specific time range. Delimit the pool_ids with commas, and use Unix timestamp seconds for start_time and end_time values.

By default, this endpoint retrieves the last 24-hour trading volume for the balance manager in the base asset for specified pools. If you want to query the quote asset instead, set volume_in_base to false.


“pool_id_1”: [maker_volume, taker_volume],


A successful request to the following endpoint


produces a response similar to

"0xb663828d6217467c8a1838a03793da896cbe745b150ebd57d82f814ca579fc22": [
"0xe05dafb5133bcffb8d59f4e12465dc0e9faeaa05e3e342a08fe135800e3e4407": [

Get historical volume by balance manager within a specific time range and intervals


Get historical volume by BalanceManager for a specific time range with intervals. Delimit pool_ids with commas and use Unix timestamp seconds for start_time and end_time values. Use number of seconds for the interval value. As a simplified interval example, if start_time is 5, end_time is 10, and interval is 2, then the response includes volume from 5 to 7 and 7 to 9, with start time of the periods as keys.

By default, this endpoint retrieves the last 24-hour trading volume for the balance manager in the base asset for specified pools. If you want to query the quote asset instead, set volume_in_base to false.


“time_1”: {
“pool_id_1”: [maker_volume, taker_volume],
“time_2”: {
“pool_id_1”: [maker_volume, taker_volume],


A successful request to the following endpoint with an interval of 24 hours


produces a response similar to

"[1731460703, 1731547103]": {
"0xb663828d6217467c8a1838a03793da896cbe745b150ebd57d82f814ca579fc22": [
"0xe05dafb5133bcffb8d59f4e12465dc0e9faeaa05e3e342a08fe135800e3e4407": [
"[1731547103, 1731633503]": {
"0xe05dafb5133bcffb8d59f4e12465dc0e9faeaa05e3e342a08fe135800e3e4407": [
"0xb663828d6217467c8a1838a03793da896cbe745b150ebd57d82f814ca579fc22": [